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 Mudry CAP 10  (20cc size EP/GP -  civilian category)

The Mudry CAP 10 is a two-seat training aerobatic aircraft first built in 1970 and still in production in 2007. The plane was developed from the Piel Super Emeraude and was born as the CP100. The name changed to CAP 10, CAP for 'Constructions AĆ©ronautiques Parisiennes'. The CAP 10 was manufactured by Mudry (name of its designer) in Bernay, France, bought by CAP Industries which then became Apex Aircraft. Following the bankruptcy of Apex in 2008, rights to produce spares were awarded to Dyn'Aviation , Total Number Build is more than 300.

- All Balsa and lite-ply construction
- Fully covered in weathered detail
- Fiberglass cowling
- Control surfaces pre-hinged and installed
-Two piece wing with aluminium wing joiner
- Big battery hatch for Electric version

- Wingspan: 1970mm
- Fuselage: 1610mm
- Weight (ready to fly): 4.1 - 4.5 kg
- Electric motor: 1950watt - PULSA 140
- Gas engine: 20cc-23cc / 2 stroke
- Gas engine: 26cc / 4 stroke
- Radio req: 6 channel / 8 servos

- Assembly instructions with stage photos
- Fiberglass cowling
- Fiberglass Wheel cover & Wheels
- Aluminium wing joiner
- Engine mounts
- Spinner
- Fuel tank
- Decals and all hardware

Does not include: radio, motor, glue, and silicon fuel line

Product code: VQA032


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